Monday, 7 April 2014

Tough training, camel world record and marathons...

It's been a tough training week, lots of speed work in my plan this month... Will all be worth it when I smash Halstead marathon in May (feeling really positive that this will happen). It's all gone pretty well apart from Tuesday when I tried to train through a migrainey type headache, this resulted in a poor performance both at boot camp and a 6 mile trail run, possibly should have scrapped both and slept which is what I wanted to do, but it's all training and didn't make me worse!! 
Wednesday I did a hill session I went to the Discovery Centre at Great Notley and ran up and down the hill 10 times and in a strange way actually enjoyed it! 

      Hill training!!

Over the weekend I ran 10 miles both days, Saturday I ran on The Flitch Way, some with Lindley, and Sunday was a road run and was supposed to be faster than Saturdays. It didn't go quite to plan as I ran too fast on Saturday, despite Lindley's best efforts to get me to slow down, but I was feeling strong and it felt good to be running faster than normal!
Lesson learnt, listen to your coach!! 
Sunday started well ran the first five miles at about 9:20 minute miles and then it all went wrong and struggled to stay at 10 minute miles for the last five, there was just nothing left in my legs!! 
Another lesson learnt remember what's coming the next day and stick to the pacing guides you've been given! 

After my run on Saturday I headed off to the first birthday anniversary of Colchester Castle Parkrun, two friends from the Commando Runners were going to attempt to break the world record for a pantomime camel running 5km, they had run in this costume at a fancy dress Parkrun at Christmas and finished in 31 minutes, the pressure was on to complete this official world record attempt in under 30. So with a team to pace, film and support the attemp was on. Rob and Lorraine did brilliantly and completed the run in 25:30 not just breaking the record but smashing it. It was a great morning and very proud of them and all the support crew. 

   Humphrey (Rob and Lorraine) and Camel Crew at Saturdays record breaking run! 

Sunday saw lots of friends heading off to run various marathons, Brighton, Manchester and Paris, they all did amazingly well and again reinforced what an awesome group of friends I have. Also lots of positive thoughts this week to Danny Slay and Team Hope who are taking part in Marathon Des Sables, they had a tough first day but I have no doubt they will push through and get the job done.
All in all a pretty impressive weekend of running by everyone.

Have a good week and happy running xxx 

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