Monday, 28 April 2014

Essex Boot Camp and more running...

Another week of training is done, bringing me to 606.95 miles for the year. The last four weeks have been tough and I seem to have been constantly going out for the next session on tired legs. The good thing is that I still haven't missed a session, I can usually stick to the suggested pace and get the mileage in, so this has given me confidence that after two weeks of tapering I will be refreshed and ready to get that new PB at Halstead Marathon.
On Saturday I managed a new PB at Colchester Castle Parkrun thanks to being paced round by Lindley. 

     Colchester castle Parkrun (photo by Neil Wray)

Sunday was a 10 mile marathon paced run, really enjoyed it, felt good and tried some new gels (TorQ) which tasted great and didn't upset my stomach, so last week was a really good, happy training week!

As well as running lots of miles I also train twice a week with Essex Boot Camp, I have been doing this for nearly four years (I never stuck to the gym for more than a few months!). I still enjoy every session and it really compliments my running, helping to improve strength and mental toughness. Sessions are an hour long, outside, whatever the weather and no two sessions are the same, which is why I still look forward to going. I know I will be pushed by the instructors so even as I get fitter it doesn't ever get easier!!  

    6am workout with Essex Boot Camp 

So the next two weeks will involve slightly less running and some boot camp as I taper ready for Halstead. 

     Train Hard No Excuses 

Have a good week and happy running xx 

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