Tuesday, 15 April 2014


I normally only blog once a week but today's is an added extra and a little different not so much about running but another reason I set myself challenges, keep pushing myself to run further and some extra motivation to keep getting out there...

Each year I have set myself a running challenge I have also raised some money this year I have chosen a charity that is very close to my heart, Moorfields Eye Charity.

Moorfields Eye Hospital plays a big part in my life and today will see me taking my son Ben (now 15) to one of many, many appointments there. Ben was born with congenital glaucoma and has had many operations and daily eye drops to keep his pressures under control and preserve the sight he has. Sir Professor Peng Khaw at Moorfields is one of the worlds leading experts in children's glaucoma and treatments, surgery and drops continue to improve. When he was about three he was also diagnosed with a problem with his retinas where some of the cells had died, the doctors hoped this would remain stable and not deteriorate but over the past year his vision in his right eye has got steadily worse and possibly will continue to do so. He is registered blind but is a pretty determined teenager and mostly gets on with it and isn't afraid to get out and do as much as possible. He plays goalball, VI football and runs, often joining me on a Saturday at Parkrun when he is home from school.

      Ben with his guide runner at Parkrun

The research that Moorfields Eye Charity helps fund is vitally important and hopefully one day there will be treatments and cures for the numerous retinal and other eye diseases that Ben and many of his school friends live with. I hope this year I can raise as much as possible for Moorfields and that the research they do can continue. As a parent it's can be really hard when you can't make everything right for your child, when you can't reassure them that they will retain some vision. 

I know the challenges I've set myself this year will be tough, it will hurt at times but when the going gets tough I look around me and remember how lucky I am to be able to get out and do what I do...


Thanks for reading and happy running xx 

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