Saturday, 25 April 2020

Lockdown running...

So we are 4, 5 however many weeks into the lockdown and I have settled into this strange new world we are living in. I have a routine of sorts and its ok, there is lots I miss, work as it was (still working a bit), friends, running with others, family all the things I guess we are all missing, but after a couple of wobbly weeks at the beginning I am ok, coping and taking each day as it comes.

One of the major factors in keeping sane and dealing with this is being able to run, I haven't had to resort to laps around the garden and every day I am thankful that I can get out and run. I have run some of my usual routes but also discovered new footpaths and linked bits of other runs together to make new routes so it's been enjoyable, the sunny weather has also helped.

My race board.

Most of my races for this year are cancelled, but at the moment Essex 100 isn't. So for now I am still training to run 100 miles in July, wishful thinking that it will go ahead, I don't know, it only has a small field of runners so maybe it will happen. Last Sunday I got up early and ran marathon distance, my first really long run of the lockdown, it felt good and my fitness is good at the moment. I am trying to maintain at least 50 mile weeks so if it does happen I can make a really good attempt at it.

This week I have also taken part in the rainbow run for keyworkers, it was fun going through all the old race t-shirts and have enjoyed it. Not so much the selfies as my lockdown hair is driving me mad, I may lose it and shave it off at some point! I have run sixty miles over the seven runs so that's a good week of training.

It's weird how quickly avoiding people has become 'normal' but the majority of other runners and dog walkers I meet are friendly. It doesn't sit quite right to be thanking people for moving away from you but I actually think I have spoken to more people in this period of social distancing than I did before. I have become the nutter that shouts morning and waves to everyone I see! I also received a gift of a pin badge with a message, I don't know who sent it, thank you to whoever it was, the badge is on the back of my race vest!

A kind gift I received

That's about it for now, I will look forward to the time when parkrun resumes and I can run with friends. I particularly miss running with my friends from Beckers, our Sunday and Tuesday runs had become a great part of my weekly training and I miss the laughs and company. For now the solo running will continue.

Happy running, keep safe and lots of love to you all xxxx

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