Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Streaking, social anxiety and podcasts...

I haven't blogged regularly for a while but hoping to try and get back into updating it more regularly over the coming months.

I recovered well and reasonably quickly after my Essex Way adventure and was soon back out running and getting the miles in. It helped being the summer holidays so I have also had plenty of time to rest and take care of myself which has made a massive difference.

Back in June I accidentally started a new run streak, I am currently on day 81 and loving it! I know people have different theories on whether streaking is good for you but I am feeling great, I am running a little faster and thoroughly enjoying my running again. I got to 624 days last time so a way to go to beat it!

I have struggled with anxiety over the past months, in particular my social anxiety and running is the one thing that keeps it manageable. I am waiting for a course of CBT to deal with it further but there have been times that without running I possibly wouldn't leave the house. Even the post parkrun coffee has been difficult some weeks, but sorting the finish tokens is a good distraction (or avoidance technique) and quite therapeutic! 

The main thing I want to talk about in this blog is podcasts, I have arrived pretty late to the podcast thing but now I am obsessed! I probably listen more to podcasts than watching TV at the moment. I have some favourites that I love listening to while I am running... 
The first which started off my podcast listening is Running is BS, Stuart and Amy talk about all the things we all love to hate about running, it makes me laugh and also I often find myself muttering about the things that are bullshit on my runs or agreeing out loud as I run and listen!
Behind the Medal podcast is another running/triathlon podcast hosted by Dean and Gary, again very funny and an honest look at what really happens during training, racing etc. I am a particular fan of ginger wisdom (you will have to listen!)
Off Menu with James Acaster and Ed Gamble is a food based podcast where they interview guests who put together their dream menu. Again very funny and great to listen to while running, although have to fight the urge to yell 'poppadoms or bread' when given water during a race!
Finally the one I have discovered during the last few weeks is My dad Wrote a Porno, Jamie, James and Alice present this and it is Jamie reading an erotic novel his dad has written, with added commentary from the others. The main issue with listening while I am running is that sometimes I am laughing so much I can't actually run! I need to work out a way to run, laugh and breathe at the same time.

All of these podcast make me laugh, I do often comment out loud and probably look like a complete nutter as I run round the Essex countryside. There have been times where I have been doubled over laughing and it does get you some odd looks! I am running trails more often as there are less people around and I can giggle without judgement!

Here are the links to the podcasts if you want to have a listen...

My final news which I will write more about over the coming weeks is I am going to run an actual ultra race! A friend very kindly transferred his Saltmarsh Ultra (50 miles) to me. It has a generous cutoff of 17 hours so is a great low pressure ultra to get me back into racing. I haven't given up on my dream to complete 100 miles but going to race some shorter ultras for now and then who knows...

Happy running (and listening!) xxx

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