Sunday, 3 May 2015

Training 2015 so far...

I have neglected my blog recently so guess it's time for a catch up...

I will be brutally honest and say I've had some ups and downs since St Peters Way, not physically but mentally it's been tough at times. I haven't lost my love of running (I am as obsessed as ever!) but I have at times slipped back to thinking of myself as a slow plodder who can't run fast.

This is where having a coach really works for me, Lindley has never stopped believing that I am more than capable of achieving what I want to, he has been harsh at times when it was needed but the constant support over the past few months has helped shift the negativity. Last week I felt rubbish every run was hard work and I felt really unfit. Halstead Marathon (yes it is 26.2 miles!!) is next week and I was having serious doubts that I can get any where near the target time. Lindley pointed out that I should feel tired at the end of marathon training and not to worry it was time to taper. 
I have been running lots more tough session, tempo runs, intervals, suicide sprints and hills as well as the long weekend runs, just over 600 miles already this year. I am loving that I now have friends that want to come and run hills with me and these sessions are now good fun with good company (thanks Richard, Len, Dan, Pete and Michelle). So yes some tiredness should be expected, I stick to my training plan to the letter and have no problem getting out and doing the sessions each day even it means a 5am start to get it in before work! 

      Hill training with Great Notley parkrun core team.

Yesterday's parkrun has really boosted my confidence that I'm not falling apart, ran 25:25 the fastest since September last year and managed a sub 8 minute mile! I also ran in Hokas for the first time and instantly love them! 

      Sprint finish at parkrun yesterday.

So I am ready for Halstead, I can run it fast and as easy as it is to say that while comfortable on the sofa, next Sunday will be all about positivity and self-belief! I can and will do this...

Have a good week and happy running xx 

      Pictures from a back to back long run weekend! 

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