Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Touch the Bird 24

A couple of years a go I suggested to some running friends that the hill at Great Notley Country Park would be a good location for a challenge. For example running up and down it for 24 hours, there were murmurs of interest quickly followed by maybe 12 or 6  hours would be better. Other events and challenges happened and nothing came of that plan until September this year when I was looking for a final challenge for 2015. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea, and I had the perfect weekend at the end of November as I had the Monday off work. I spoke to the park rangers to see if they had any objections to me spending 24 hours running up and down their hill and other than them thinking I'm a little crazy they were happy, and so Touch the Bird 24 was born!

I have some lovely local running friends and was pretty sure I could persuade one or two to come out and support me, bring me extra supplies if needed. Never did I imagine I wouldn't run one minute on my own or that I would have a constantly manned base camp!

For some reason I have earned the nickname 'Bonkers' and Len designed me a great t-shirt to wear and friends bought a space on the back to have their name and help me raise funds for Moorfields Eye Charity.Many thanks to all these and everyone else who donated money, this event itself has raised over £1000 and still some coming in.

The morning of the challenge was bright and sunny, if a little windy and cold, but it was a great way to start the day. I started at 9:30am towards the end of Great Notley parkrun and finished Sunday at 9:30 at the end of junior parkrun.

The support for the event was phenomenal and a couple of weeks before the event every slot was filled, even the night time ones, with friends who wanted to come and run an hour or more with me.
The park rangers couldn't have been more helpful allowing us to bring a camper van in and have access to the car park all night so supporters could come and go safely. Nuclear Races donated a dryrobe which was amazing to snuggle into at the end of the event.

I was planning to write about every hour but I am more than likely to forget someone who came to run and I would hate to do that, so I will pick out some of the highlights, funny bits, tough times. I am enormously grateful to every single person who ran with me whether you did one lap or stayed for hours. Every bit of company and support really was appreciated and it is that side of the event that will stay with me forever.

Here I also have to mention my base camp crew, Dan Warden deserves a medal for staying for the whole 24 hours with no sleep, ordering me pizza, making coffee, stopping base camp from taking off over Essex and counting laps. Dan you were amazing and I can't thank you enough. Len and Michelle also put in many hours of being in the cold supporting me, and cooking bacon, thank to you as well  and to all other base camp supporters who dropped in.

The running went well with 16 laps done in the first hour, don't think I have any more hourly totals after that but was still managing to run laps well into the evening. Luckily we didn't have too much rain, the wind was pretty relentless but bearable. I was glad of the many extra layers I had brought, and shock, horror even resorted to long trousers during the night!!

One of many signs around the hill

The first lap was quite emotional as I discovered Mum, Michelle and Rich had been plotting ant their were signs around the hill with motivational  messages and photos, I loved the one of my Dad he would have been up for a challenge as bonkers as this!

My running support team were great, keeping me entertained in various ways, Lorraine and Rob had us coming up with interesting facts about each lap number we were on, I think John and Jane joined in on that one too. Richard made me giggle for about three laps with his ridiculous hat (sorry Rich) and kept my mind occupied by naming as many towns as we could starting with certain letters. When Lorraine came back the next morning we started naming bands starting at A and changing after every lap, that kept us amused for 26 laps, and I still don't see what's wrong with Glen Madeiros!! We sang Christmas songs because at certain times as you ran (shuffled) towards base camp it did look like a scene from the Nativity in the dark!

100 Laps in!

There were some times it was hard and I wanted to stop but a conversation I had had with James from Essex Boot Camp about mindset and mental strength early in the challenge stayed with me and really did get me through the low points.

Yet again Richard had to look on as I threw up at the top of the hill, it is becoming a habit, but made me feel much better and I was then able to eat and drink better and continue with the running/walking.

The last 6 or 7 laps were like a scene from Forrest Gump, every lap I seemed to gain more people, they just seemed to appear out of the bushes and the group got steadily bigger. I was tired and emotional at this point and withdrew a little to get to the end without being a complete blubbering wreck, but it was just amazing and I am so very thankful to everyone of you who supported me.
The final lap

So some numbers from the day.The final number of laps was 265 which was about 67 miles and I think some one worked out it was about 14,000 feet of ascent, and the most popular support runner's name was Mark, with 4 Marks joining me during the 24 hours!!!

It was one of my most enjoyable challenges, I was worried that boredom would set in but being able to catch up with old friends, get to know new friends better, and spend time doing what I love most, meant at no time was I bored, and I now have a certain fondness for my hill!

I know I haven't mentioned everybody by name but the blog will be as long as the challenge. Thank you to everyone of you that came out to help me through this challenge, you made it the wonderful and fun experience it turned out to be.

A few special thank yous to all of the core team at parkrun, the park rangers, Mark Greensides (cake baking master!), every support runner, friends, family and strangers who donated money. I could go on and on as I have special memories from all of you, that will stay with me always, and so many more photos I could share, but I will stop now and will always treasure that 24 hours as something very special.

Time now to plot and plan for 2016! Happy Running xx

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Thetford Iceni Marathon

I hadn't planned to run Thetford Iceni Marathon, I was just going to support but as it turned out and after my hideous day at The Chilterns I decided a marathon with friends was a good plan!

The day started with a quick run up Castle Hill, Richard had told me it wasn't possible to run up it so I did, maybe not the best thing to do an hour before a marathon starts but it was good fun!

The race started in a pub and was very civilised, coffee, a bacon roll, got kit sorted and we were ready to go.

      Ready to go...

The race started with a couple of miles through Thetford before heading out onto trails to Euston, it was an out and back race. The weather was pleasant and I was running with Rich, Andrew and Pete. The first few miles passed quickly and we were soon at the first checkpoint, a good selection of sweet and savoury snacks and plenty of drinks to choose from at each stop, along with helpful, friendly volunteers made it a great race.

      Enjoying the running 

The route was tough going, the navigation was pretty straightforward but the sandy soil and constant tree roots made it hard on the legs. I had a few negative moments and stressed for a while that I was slowing the others down but they assured me we had started together and were going to finish together. Eventually I relaxed and really enjoyed myself. I really have to find a way of conquering my head and stop it affecting my running!!

      Half way

After the turn around point we were joined by Jake, he was running his first marathon and hadn't run further than 15 miles before. He stuck with us despite being questioned about his marital status, job and all manner of other things (Rich is on a mission to find me a husband!!!!) Apparently he said I was 'cute but run too far!' But never mind still good to know I still have it, and after being told earlier in the day that I have chunky legs and was my middle name moose, cute was a definite improvement!! 

The last few miles were slow but even with the challenging route (unfortunately didn't get a photo of Richard falling over) Andrews sore knee, and me being a bit slow we made it back to Thetford and hand in hand crossed the finish line in a time of 5:49.

       Finish in sight! 

Have to say thank you to Kathi who we met early on in the race and gave me a hair band as I had forgotten one and my hair was driving me mad.

Thanks to Pete, Rich, Andrew and Jake for great company, good banter and making it an awesome day of running.
And finally well done to Mel Floyd for putting on a great race, well organised, challenging, lovely volunteers, lots to eat and drink and a really awesome medal. I will be back to try and do a better time.

      Awesome medal! 

Happy running all xx 


Friday, 11 September 2015

Streaking and future plans...

I'm at the end of my first week back at work after the summer holidays and call me mad (lots do!) but it's good to have some routine back...

The summer was amazing lots of running, loved exploring new routes, still smiling about Saffron Trail and have learnt from Chilterns mistakes! So what next...

First I'm having a September run streak not massive mileage but running every day and loving it, some days it's just a mile or two with Dugs (my dog) other days a bit further. I have signed up for a couple of events this month too just to get the racing mojo back so will be off to the inaugural Thetford marathon on Sunday with friends, then a 42 mile ultra at the end of the month. Enjoyment is my running word of the month and so far it's going well!!

      Summer running fun!

As for longer term plans, I have spent some time thinking about what I want to achieve with my running and there are still long, long races out there I want to do. Next year though, I'm going to build on my successes from this year and make sure I'm confident and happy with my ability, speed and navigation etc. So at the moment (and this will be subject to change!) I'm thinking St Peters Way, Malvern Ultra (52 miles) and my long race will be The Ridgeway (86 miles). Then in 2017 I will go back to The Chilterns and I will finish it!! 

Also I am going to have a bash at getting that sub 25 minute parkrun before the end of the year!!!! 

Have a great weekend and happy running, training, racing! X 

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Fun summer running and a DNF...

Not the usual way of doing things but going to start this blog with the end...

Yesterday was The Chiltern Way Ultra, 133 miles. My second attempt at the race. Well to be completely honest it didn't go well and instead of still being out there running I'm back at home writing this blog. So what went wrong...
Basically it was my head, I had been incredibly nervous to the point of making myself feel unwell all week and it did affect my running. I started off ok but it quickly went wrong. Every time I tried some speed or to power up an incline I felt I couldn't breath, my chest felt tight and it caused me a lot of worry. I got into CP1 a good half an hour behind where I wanted to be and dissolved into tears. I ate had some coke and was convinced by Maxine it was a panic/anxiety type thing and only I could sort it. So with the advice to relax and enjoy the scenery I set off again. I spoke to Richard on the phone, cried a bit and but kept moving forward, it was slow and I wasn't enjoying it. I had countless messages and phone calls from my amazing friends and family, I cried some more, kept moving, cried etc. what I couldn't do was improve my head, I had an overwhelming fear of it getting dark, relived some of my mistakes from last year and panicked some more and cried some more. I eventually made it to Cp2 way off my predicted time and told Emily and Paul I was done. They convinced me to have a rest eat and drink and see how I felt. Maxine arrived shortly afterwards and taped some blisters and hotspots that had started. I eventually and reluctantly left the CP but within a couple of minutes I knew I couldn't carry on so returned to the car park. Emily and Paul live in the same town as I do so drove me home. Do I regret my decision...
No there was no way I had another 100 miles in me, my legs and body felt worse than when I finished Saffron Trail and mentally I was a mess. Now I plan to rest, recover and look at some races for next year. 
Running and racing is my escape and needs to be fun, it's what I do to escape the stress of everyday life, it's what I love, I felt none of that yesterday, nobodies fault, it was a tough day out on the trails attempting a tough race, I was one of only 5 competitors and it just wasn't happening for me, no excuses, no regrets. One to put down to experience and move on.
     Trying to look chilled at the start!

So that's the end of my summer of running and it has been awesome, it started at the beginning of my summer break from work with Saffron Trail which still makes me smile every time I think about it and I then went on to have some amazing runs with great friends, exploring lots of new routes and enjoying some great company. 

St Cedds Pilgrimmage
This is a 23 mile figure of eight run starting at Southminster and taking in some of St Peters Way. myself, Rich, Len, Heydon and Otto (Hayden's dog) set off on a Sunday lunchtime to run this, it was my first long run since Saffron and we had a brilliant afternoon, in glorious sunshine, taking it nice and easy. It was Len's longest ever run and we ended with a drink in a pub in the sunshine. 

     St Cedds Pilgrimmage (the injury was no where near as bad as it looked!!)

Exploring Maldon.
This was another great run, Rich and I set off early to run a route he had done some years before, we took a map and my GPS. Several miles in I said I can navigate this with just the map and put the GPS away in my race vest. Well let's just say maybe I was a little optimistic with my navigation skills and our 10 mile run ended up being 15 miles! It did however make a lovely, circular 15miles run with some gorgeous trails and countryside and is a run I would happily do again!

     I know where we're going!!

Lea Valley Walk
This has to be one of my summer favourites, Richard had read about this walk and suggested we run some of it. The whole route starts in Luton and follows the Lea Navigation Canal into London and is 53 miles. We decided to start in Hertford and run to Tower Bridge, where we the. Had an invite to a party. Running 31 miles to a party is fun. It was a good route, easy navigation and in it's way very pretty, starting quite rural and ending in London was amazing and different. We even took a little detour to have a look round the Olympic site at Stratford. It was a good last long run before the Chilterns. We ran slowly, taking in the sites, stopped for a coffee, and had a really good day out. Definitely one to do again maybe next time the whole thing!

      Fab day running into London.

The summer has also been filled with parkrun, running and my stint as run director which I always enjoy immensely. Wednesday evenings have become hills night, a now quite large group of us head to Great Notley Country Park and do a hill session combined with some core/upper body exercises and quite often cake!! It is a brilliant evening with good friends and makes hill sessions much more enjoyable.

      Relaxing after hills!

This is just a snapshot of some of the runs I have done this summer, the blog will be longer that the runs if I list them all! They have all been brilliant.

So even though yesterday didn't go as planned, I won't let it spoil an otherwise brilliant summer of running. 

I have many people to thank for making this summer so brilliant, Richard your company, support and encouragement has been amazing and I will always be grateful and look forward to many more runs together while we get ready for St Peters next year!!
Len your support too has been fantastic, John Ray Walk was brilliant and again look forward to helping you prepare for St Peters as well.
Thanks to the rest of Great Notley parkrun core team, all of the hill running gang, Challenge Running for two epic ultra races and my friends and family for supporting and sponsoring.

Running is my life and I am privelaged to be able to train, race and be involved in running. This summer has been a special one that I will always remember. Back to work at the end of the week, happy and knowing that I have made the most of it with enjoyable running, great friends and beautiful trails.

Happy running all xx 

Monday, 20 July 2015

Saffron Trail Ultra take two...

I've been waiting a year for this and wow what a completely different experience! 

Last year I had my first DNF at this race, I screwed up big time and didn't enjoy it right from the beginning, my race ended by getting timed out at CP5 and although I was devastated I was glad to stop. 

Fast forward to this years race...

I was looking forward to getting back out there and trying again, I trained hard and had run the whole route in sections over the past few months including doing some in the dark, I'd hopefully learnt from last years experience, so all I needed to do was keep my head strong, focused and get it done.

Richard and family delivered me safely and unstressed to the start where I registered and then just chilled in the sunshine, I was nervous but kept calm, ate my pre race food and willed it to be 6pm! 

       Waiting to start 

After a race brief from Lindley we were on our way, 10.9 miles to the first checkpoint, my race plan was to only think about the distance to each checkpoint, not the whole distance. So a nice evening run to Hockley Woods it was. I started out a little quick but the first couple of miles are easy running so went with it, the sun was shining and all was good. I wanted to run as hard as I could till it was dark and then slow down a bit so I didn't make navigational errors in the night. I reached the first check point in just under 2:15 hours and was happy enough. Maxine offered to fill my water bottles and I realised with horror they were both still practically full, I hadn't eaten much either. I knew I needed to sort this out pretty quickly if I wanted to finish the race so tried to get back to my usual strategy of eating/drinking every 2 miles.

Leg two was just under 7 miles and again perfectly runnable, all was going well until I was struck with awful stomach cramps, I slowed down and worried how on earth I could run feeling like that. Fortunately after about 3 miles they went as quickly as they started and didn't bother me again. I reached checkpoint 2 at Battlesbridge not far off the time I wanted and feeling ok. I still hadn't eaten much and asked Maxine to fill a sandwich bag I had with me so I could walk and eat as I didn't want to stop for too long. It was almost dark by now and head torch time!

Leg 3 is where it really fell apart for me last year but no such problems this time, navigation was going well. I was on my own and had been since Hadleigh, there was three people behind me including Ian and Simon who were sweeping, so I expected I would run on my own for most of the race. Mentally I felt good and I was enjoying myself. I can't remember where exactly but a whole family were outside their house on that leg and clapped and cheered me through! I made it through the creepy graveyard and onto CP3 feeling strong. I was now well inside cut off times. 

Leg 4 would take me through Chelmsford and I was slightly worried about running through the city at what could possibly be pub/club chucking out time but all was good and I was half way into the race. I stopped in the park as my Garmin had died and I had Richard's in my pack so I swapped them over and found some different food. I was feeling a little sleepy and looked forward to reaching CP4, where my sister, Michelle, was volunteering and had lucozade for me. I really needed some caffeine. Then I had the most surreal experience of the whole race, a man appeared asking if I was ok. He'd been following the online tracker and living very close to the course was supporting the runners. He said he had coffee and gels at the next bench, as we approached the bench another figure appeared, my brain was saying 'look it's Dan' but it didn't make sense, it was nearly 3am, why were people in the park at that time? I had no idea at that time how many people were losing a nights sleep watching the tracker and supporting me, Dan thank you so much for coming out to see me it was amazing and to Andy for being brilliant, seeing I made it safely through Chelmsford and that coffee was the best coffee ever!

I arrived at CP4 about 3:15am and it was great to see Michelle and Dan. I was still feeling good and was having the best time! I did get slightly overexcited about a tub of strawberry custard, amazing what is appetising at that time of the morning, it was one of the few things I actually enjoyed eating during the whole race. I knew the next leg quite well and knew I only had about an hour of darkness left all was good and I still well ahead of cut off times.

      Enjoying strawberry custard at CP4! 

I laughed when I got to Great Waltham as I remembered phoning Lindley last year and telling him I'd had enough, I nearly text him this year to say I was having a great time but my phone was in my pack and I didn't want to stop! I sang to myself and chatted to the cows as I ran, it was only a very slow run but it was running and the miles ticked past, the head torch was put away and I was still having fun. As I ran into Felsted, John appeared to offer some support and see how I was doing, thank you John was much appreciated. I had a text from my son about 4am saying 'your legs might hurt but you're still as strong mentally as when you started' it was perfectly timed and a real boost, thanks Ben. I was looking forward to CP5 for many reasons:

    1. Rich, Len and Dan would be there.
    2. Bacon.
    3. I wasn't going to get timed out there this year.
    4. Bacon!

I arrived at CP5 at about 6:30am (I think) that was two and a half hours quicker than last year and I didn't feel I was moving very fast. It was a massive boost and just the best CP ever, the bacon sandwich was great and Rich, Len and Dan you are just the best friends a girl could have, thank you. As much as I would have loved to stay longer I knew I needed to keep moving so bacon sandwich in hand, hugs gratefully received I set off again, less than a marathon to go. A little voice in my head already saying yes you're going to do this!

     Awesome support at CP5

Next stop would be Tilty church and I knew Michelle would be manning that one, less than eight miles that wasn't much! Legs were hurting now but all was good! I ran/walked/shuffled along, it rained a bit but it was quite refreshing. The closed footbridge didn't collapse when I crossed it and it was an enjoyable leg that I knew quite well so didn't require as much concentration to navigate. Grapes and bananas was all I could manage to eat but was enough to keep me going. The weather had brightened up and there was just over 15 miles left, I really was going to do this! 

The next leg isn't my favourite though the overgrown fields weren't quite as bad as when I ran them a few weeks before. I was walking a bit more but still managing to run downhill but it just seems to take forever to get to Newport, I had known all the way if I could make it to Newport then it was in the bag. So arriving at CP7 was the best feeling. I felt as though I had blisters forming under my big toes but decided just to get through the last 4.9 miles and sort them at the finish. Chris and Liz were at this CP and there was custard (never had a thing for custard before this race!!). Was great to see Chris thanks for making the last CP a good one.

The last leg...
My feet hurt, maybe I should have sorted the blisters but I ignored the pain as much as possible, I just wanted to finish. I cursed the last few hills but tried to find some sort of speed, there wasn't much! Going through the gates at Audley End I knew I was almost done and had a small emotional moment. Just a little further through Saffron Walden to the common and there it was... the finish, Michelle, Richard, Holly, Becky and Chris had all come to see me finish, Lindley presented my medal and it was the perfect end to an amazing race.


It didn't really sink in till this morning that I had done it, it was amazing, I loved it from start to finish and I haven't stopped smiling yet! 

Thank you to Lindley, Maxine and all the volunteers at Challenge Running, I couldn't have been looked after any better.
Well done to the other runners I didn't see much of you but you were all awesome. 
Sorry to those friends/family who lost sleep because of the tracker but thanks for supporting virtually!
Special thanks to Richard, Holly, Becky, James, Michelle, Len, Dan, Chris and John for giving up some/all of your weekend to support me, I am really very lucky to have such amazing friends, love you all.
Abbi, Ben, Mum and everyone else who sent messages and have sponsored me thank you too.

Have an amazing week and happy running xx 

       Awesome medal 

Sunday, 5 July 2015

A new chapter...

Sometimes life throws stuff at you that makes you stop, think and reassess. I guess the last couple of weeks have done that for me. I don't write much about my personal life in these blogs and I am not planning on starting now as this is all about my running journey, but my training has been affected and I  needed to make some changes.

The biggest change is I decided being coached is no longer for me, I am physically fitter and stronger than I have ever been and I know from what I have learned that I can continue to train hard and know what sort of sessions I need to do in order to reach my full potential and finish races.

As for mental strength it is only me that can alter that, nobody can make me mentally stronger it has to come from me, I have to believe I am good enough, find ways to deal with highs and lows in races. Push myself on, beat cut offs and most importantly enjoy the journey.

The main reason for this blog is to thank Lindley for everything he has done for me over the past eighteen months. I wouldn't be the runner I am today without his help, support, advice and training plans. It has made a massive difference to me as a runner and I have great respect for him as a coach, race director and friend.

     At the end of St Peters Way (before the beard!)

I always enjoy taking part and helping out at Challenge Running events and will continue to do so as they are brilliant and there is still the small matter of a Grand Slam to finish! 

So again thank you for everything Lindley (and if anyone needs a running coach he is highly recommended)

Have a good week and happy running xx 

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Great Notley parkrun...

A year a go today was the first Great Notley parkrun, I went along as it was now my local parkrun and I knew someone in the core team and wanted to offer some support. I had previously mainly run at Colchester parkrun which I had always enjoyed.

Great Notley parkrun was different, from that first event it had a friendly, welcoming feel where you were made to feel really welcome and I soon changed it to my home run and that's where I have spent most of my Saturday mornings since then. 

parkrun for those of you who don't know is a free 5km timed run (in parks all over the country) run entirely by volunteers which take place at 9am every Saturday.

All runners are encouraged to volunteer every so often and parkrun can't go ahead without them. At first I volunteered for easy jobs (turns out they are all easy!) and worried when asked to do timekeeping or something I perceived as difficult. Towards the end of last year Richard, who had been part of the core team since the beginning, mentioned Len was looking to expand the core team and I should join them. My initial reaction was 'no way, couldn't possibly do that' but the seed had been planted and quite quickly I began to think that maybe I could do it...

Now I wonder why I ever had that initial reaction because being part of Great Notley parkrun's core team is one of the most rewarding, fun and fulfilling parts of my life. Richard I will always be grateful to you for getting me involved, thank you. I was immediately made to feel like one of the team, and love my weeks as run director as well as supporting the rest of the team, the volunteers and runners and I still get to run a lot too, making it to my 50th run earlier this year.

So today we celebrated our first birthday, the theme (we love a reason to dress up!) was grass skirts and loud shirts beach party. So early this morning dressed in a sarong and bikini top I headed for the park. It was brilliant, runners and volunteers get awarded points over the year and I was proud to win The Women's Points trophy for 2014/15. 

216 runners joined us to celebrate today and I joined the volunteers as tail runner. It was a brilliant morning and just reinforced my love of our event. Happy, smiley people enjoying the sunshine, some new on their running journey, others like myself have been running for a long time. We have a real sense of community which is sometimes missing in other parts of our busy day to day lives. Len asked this morning during the runners brief if anyone had met a new friend at parkrun during the last year. I am lucky to have met lots! 

All that is left to say is my heartfelt thanks to all of the core team Len, Rich, John, Dan, Chris, Pete and Jenna (and your families) you are not just core team but friends that I am privileged to have in my life. I am extremely lucky to be involved in an event that brings us together every Saturday morning, in all weathers, to run, support, volunteer and most importantly have fun. 

To every runner and volunteer who I have met this year thank you too xx 

     Enjoying tail running! 

Have a great week and happy running xx 

(Photos by Mike Eldred) 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Training, training and a bit more training...

It's been a tough couple of weeks that have consisted of me running, going to work, running, eating, running, sleeping, running... You get the picture. I knew it was going to be hard, the last big training month before my next race. 

The last three weekends I have done back to back long runs averaging about 50miles over each weekend. Fortunately I have been lucky to have friends who have joined me on some of these runs and that has made it easier. The good thing is I have now run all of The Saffron Trail so no excuses for navigational errors on race day (night, this race starts at 6pm and is 70 miles long!). 

This weekend began with parkrun, the training plan said 25-27minutes, it took 28 and that was pushing it, hadn't really felt great all week and had just put it down to tiredness, but possibly had a bug of some sort who knows?! 
Saturday afternoon I threw a few extra miles in by running to Colne Engaine with some friends, Colne Engaine had declared themselves independent for the day and had a WW1 themed fete, Richard thought it would be fun to grab our passports and run over to support a friend who is involved in raising funds for a war memorial in the village. So on Saturday afternoon Richard, Len and myself set off from Braintree we met Michelle (yes she really is my sister!!) on the way and arrived in Colne Engaine to a round of applause and free beer!! It was a really fun afternoon and a very pleasant run.

     Running to Colne Engaine! 

Sunday the training plan said 30miles. I had arranged with Brian to run from Chelmsford to Saffron Walden to recce the rest of the route we hadn't already done, we thought it would be just over 30 miles. I woke up feeling, tired, grumpy and achy and didn't even feel like running 3 miles let alone 30 but it needed to be done so I reluctantly got my kit ready and headed off to meet Brian. We weren't starting till lunch time so I expected a late finish as I knew it wouldn't be quick. 
As we ran across the park in Chelmsford we ran into Naomi who was also doing a recce of the route, so we joined forces and off we went. My earlier reluctance to run soon disappeared and I was soon enjoying the sunshine and the company. 
A quick stop for more water and some snacks in Felsted and we carried on our way. The route was good a little overgrown in places but navigation was good and I didn't feel too bad. By 20 miles though I was starting to feel very tired and my legs were protesting, I ran when I could, walked the hills, kept eating and tried to keep positive. We came to one bridge over a river where the foot path was closed, there seemed to be no obvious (quick) detour so forgetting all this equality stuff we let Brian test the very dodgy looking bridge, he didn't plummet into the river so Naomi and I followed suit, fortunately we all made it safely across!!

     Big orange barriers are meant to be climbed over aren't they? 

Naomi left us at about 23 miles for her lift home and Brian and I carried on towards Saffron Walden. I wasn't particularly happy that we still had 12 miles to go but kept moving forward. It was starting to get late and I hadn't packed a head torch so we needed to be finished before dark, it was the longest day so I guessed we'd be alright. Brian suggested we see what time it was when we reached Newport and then decide what to do. I interpreted this as stopping there and getting a taxi back to Saffron Walden. I may have thrown a slight tantrum when we eventually got there and I discovered his plan was to just run along the road to Saffron Walden. At that moment I hated everything but as Brian just ran off I had no option but to follow but told him there was no way I was running! I hadn't eaten for a while so grabbed a cereal bar, some chocolate and jelly beans and gradually my mood improved, I refused to run along the road, if I was going all the way then I was doing the proper route! At that time I had a message from Richard asking how my run had gone and I replied we were still running (shuffling) and I wasn't hapay, he replied with just the right words of encouragement to get me back on track, pick up the pace the best I could and get it finished, thanks Richard. I am so glad now that I did and that I managed to snap out of the lowest point of the day and get it done. Eventually 37.5 miles after we started we arrived in Saffron Walden. We followed signs to the car park only to find it wasn't the car park where my car was. We asked a policeman who was in his van who very kindly let us hop in and they drove us to the correct one, an amusing end to the day's running!

I do have to say a massive thank you to all of you that have been involved in my running exploits this month, nearly 200 miles so far, it's been fun (most of the time!) just one week of tough training left before tapering for Saffron Trail Ultra. Love you all x

Have a great week and happy running xxx 

Monday, 8 June 2015

Long runs and Stour Valley Marathon

The last few weeks haven't been easy, had a small crisis of confidence about my running ability, not going to go on and on about it as it's something to move on from and this weekend has helped me to do that, writing about the negativity I have experienced I don't think will be helpful. I am fortunate to have a very supportive coach and friend in Lindley and lots of running friends who have put up with me recently!

This weekend I had a 20 miles run scheduled for Saturday and Stour Valley Marathon (27 miles) on Sunday. Saturday I decided to get up really early and run 'the long way' to Great Notley parkrun, so planned 17 miles on the Flitch Way ending up at Great Notley Country Park and then run parkrun to make it up to the 20, this would give me the afternoon to do boring household stuff! I guessed a 5am start would get me to parkrun in time to help with set up if needed. My friend Richard said he would come along and even though he moaned a little about the crazily early start we had a great run in the early morning sunshine. 

      Early morning miles with Richard

We arrived at parkrun at 8am having run faster than I had planned, legs felt a little tired but I was looking forward to running with my sister (a fairly new runner) at parkrun. It made my day to help her get around in 30:35 a new PB for her and was a confidence boost for me that as I was helping her and not thinking about my running, I hadn't felt tired at all. So 20 miles was done and the total running time was 3.5 hours. Thank you to Michelle and Richard for a great morning of running. 

Stour Valley Marathon

Sunday looked to be another warm day but I was looking forward to my run, I had run this marathon last year (again after a long run on the Saturday) and knew it was a tough but very scenic route.
I arrived in time to catch up with some friends and have a relaxed, chilled out start, it was just a training run, no pressure, an enjoyable run in beautiful countryside and I'd get a medal at the end. I met up with Katie who was going to run with me, I hadn't run with her before but it worked well, and we were a similar pace.

      Just some of the stunning scenery

I used the route description backed up with GPS to navigate and we didn't get lost at all. Something I had realised the weekend before when running with a friend is I walk all too easily and probably keep my pace inside my comfort zone. So I did my best to ignore my slightly tired legs and run as much as I could. I had forgotten just how hilly the route was but was good to find I can walk uphill really quite fast and the hill training I do has meant I am much more confident on the descents and was able to have some fun running down the hills at a good, fast pace. 
The miles ticked by quickly, it was hot but a breeze at times kept it bearable and my eating/drinking strategy was working well, I was able to keep positive, enjoy the scenery and the company. About half way in, I knew we were on target for about a six hour finish, I was starting to tire, but we agreed to push on as much as we could to try and get that time. 
A real positive boost for me was that we managed to overtake a few people in the last 5 or 6 miles, we weren't  moving fast, but we were steady and always moving, keeping our checkpoint stops brief before carrying on.
As we came back into Nayland we knew we only had a matter of minutes to get six hours so we picked up speed and headed for the finish line. According to my Garmin I finished in exactly 6 hours, I was extremely pleased as it was 20 minutes quicker than last year. It was also good to see Lindley who had come to see people finish. 

      Katie and I at the finish

Thanks to Kevin and all the volunteers who made it a great day. Very well organised and a great medal. Will be back next year, maybe I will even rest beforehand and see if I can run it quicker! 

It really was one of those weekends of running that makes you thankful you are able to get out and do it. Good, positive running, great friends, sunshine and beautiful scenery, and finishing a weekend completely shattered is always a good feeling. 

Thank you to all involved in making it a brilliant weekend. I am feeling much happier, more confident and feel I know what I need to keep doing in order to reach my goals.

Have a great week and happy running xx 

Monday, 25 May 2015

Not really about running...

This is a different blog to normal, need to write it more for myself than anyone else, so feel free to stop reading or if you want to understand me a little better carry on!

It was pointed out the other day that I'm pretty rubbish in social situations, this wasn't big news to me I know, but have never really thought about how much it is affecting my life. 

I've never considered the possibility that maybe I have a social anxiety disorder, I have always found social interaction difficult. I can remember those moments at school where the teacher says they're going to pick someone to speak and you stare at your desk terrified it will be you and wishing to be invisible. 
I do have some people that I can talk to quite comfortably but if there is a group of people or people I'm not comfortable with or don't know I will be the one who is just listening, not really joining in, worried I might say the wrong thing, worried about being judged. In my head I have amazing conversations but that's usually where they stay as I can not pluck up the courage to turn those thoughts into words that you can hear. 
On the odd occasion I go to a party I have no clue as to how to join in a conversation, the fear of getting it wrong is bigger than just standing on the perimeter watching/listening. I am the same at races, that time before the start/finish when people are chatting, getting to know each other, I will try if you talk to me but would never consider going up and starting a conversation with someone I didn't know. 
I have been told by three separate people recently, all I have known for at least a year or more that 'they don't really know me.' This actually makes me a little sad that I can't just be myself and let those I  think of as friends know the real me. 

Maybe one of the reasons I like to run stupidly long distances is because it means I get to spend hours by myself, is it another way of avoiding being with people, don't get me wrong I love it and it is my passion but is it also an escape from social interaction? 

I don't at the moment have any answers as to how I can overcome this, I do know that I want to and I don't want to grow old and lonely with just the dog for company! 

It hasn't been easy writing this and although I know I can't change overnight. If you did read this far maybe it will help you to see me as someone who finds it really scary and difficult to talk/make conversation. I am not being deliberately unfriendly, aloof or unapproachable I am just not sure what to say...

Have a good week and happy running xx 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Halstead Marathon

The training plan said no faster than 9:15 minute miles and no slower than 9:45s. Had been training hard and was ready for race day. I actually made it to the start line reasonably relaxed, certainly not in my usual race day stress!! 
Lindley was unable to pace me round so Maxine had stepped in, we had our instructions, Maxine had apps on her watch all we had to do was run 26.2 miles in sub 4:15 hours. 

     With Maxine on the start line

The only thing I hadn't planned for was a hot day, almost as soon as we started the last little bit of cloud cover disappeared and the sun shone brightly. I've been reading lots of articles on mental toughness and overcoming things you have no control over on race day. All I could control was my pace, hydration, nutrition and keeping positive. So ignore the heat and run...

I ran with Maxine for about three miles, but after a tough weekend running in the Lake District the week before, she told me to go on. So a quick pep talk, which stayed with me I carried on alone. I caught up with John, a fellow member of Great Notley parkrun core team and we ran together till about mile 10, running more or less consistent 9:30 minute miles. I was eating at every even numbered mile marker and that strategy seemed to be working and I felt good but was starting to struggle with the pace. John went on ahead and I focused on running as fast as I could. I got to 13 miles in 2:05 and felt ok. I cooled off with sponges when available kept drinking and stuck to the eating plan. 

I chatted to a few people around the course, was pleased to see my sister and nephew and other friends around the course, don't think it was planned but they were at just the right intervals to be perfectly positioned for optimum encouragement. Thank you to you all for the support it was amazing and very much appreciated. 

Lindley came out on his bike after taking his daughter home and offered words of encouragement whilst cycling around chatting to people. It helped me to keep running as couldn't get caught walking!! 

I have developed a real hatred of miles 18 - 22 in marathons. This is usually the time I will have a mental low point, hate running and wonder why I do this!! It didn't happen this time I was suddenly at 20 miles and still happy!! I knew I wasn't going to make sub 4:15 and just aimed to keep running and do the best time I could.

At mile 21ish I went past a lady crying into her phone. I stopped to check she was ok and see if she needed anything. She was having a rough day but got running again, and we chatted for a bit, before I carried on ahead. Was really pleased to see her finish only a minute or so behind me.

A hug from Kerry was perfectly timed at about 22.5 miles and being told just over a parkrun left spurred me on to get it finished. Mentally I was feeling good, maybe the positive thinking, visualisation and relaxed start really was working.

I finally finished in 4:41:30 and though way off target I'm happy with how it went, I ran almost all of it apart from a few hills (the new hill at mile 14 is evil!) I had to focus and push myself to do this time so really feel it was a step forward it the battle with my head! 

I have to say this really was one of my happiest and mentally strong marathons. I genuinely enjoyed every step. Would have preferred it to have been cooler but no point stressing over stuff you can't change. 

Thanks again to everyone who supported, friends, family, marshals and other runners. It's always easy to see why Halstead Marathon rates so highly in Runners World it really is a friendly, well organised marathon with a challenging but very pretty course. I am sure I will be back again next year. 

Have a good week and happy running xx 

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Training 2015 so far...

I have neglected my blog recently so guess it's time for a catch up...

I will be brutally honest and say I've had some ups and downs since St Peters Way, not physically but mentally it's been tough at times. I haven't lost my love of running (I am as obsessed as ever!) but I have at times slipped back to thinking of myself as a slow plodder who can't run fast.

This is where having a coach really works for me, Lindley has never stopped believing that I am more than capable of achieving what I want to, he has been harsh at times when it was needed but the constant support over the past few months has helped shift the negativity. Last week I felt rubbish every run was hard work and I felt really unfit. Halstead Marathon (yes it is 26.2 miles!!) is next week and I was having serious doubts that I can get any where near the target time. Lindley pointed out that I should feel tired at the end of marathon training and not to worry it was time to taper. 
I have been running lots more tough session, tempo runs, intervals, suicide sprints and hills as well as the long weekend runs, just over 600 miles already this year. I am loving that I now have friends that want to come and run hills with me and these sessions are now good fun with good company (thanks Richard, Len, Dan, Pete and Michelle). So yes some tiredness should be expected, I stick to my training plan to the letter and have no problem getting out and doing the sessions each day even it means a 5am start to get it in before work! 

      Hill training with Great Notley parkrun core team.

Yesterday's parkrun has really boosted my confidence that I'm not falling apart, ran 25:25 the fastest since September last year and managed a sub 8 minute mile! I also ran in Hokas for the first time and instantly love them! 

      Sprint finish at parkrun yesterday.

So I am ready for Halstead, I can run it fast and as easy as it is to say that while comfortable on the sofa, next Sunday will be all about positivity and self-belief! I can and will do this...

Have a good week and happy running xx 

      Pictures from a back to back long run weekend! 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

St Peters Way

First and foremost I have to say I had a brilliant day, weather was perfect and it was awesome...

Hmmm but I wasn't as quick as I wanted or should have been. I have been thinking about this a lot today during my drive to Worcester and back! The conclusion I have come to is I am like the child at school who is great in class, answers every question, work all completed to a high standard but put an exam paper in front of them and they go to pieces. That's me on race day! I do the training, it goes well and then race day comes around and the nerves and doubts begin and I am convinced it affects performance. My goal is to overcome this, I don't know how yet but I will do it...

       At the start

Anyway back to St Peters Way, 45 miles from Chipping Ongar to Bradwell-on-sea, I knew it was going to be muddy and I was prepared. I wasn't prepared to be running on day 1 of my period (sorry to any guys reading but I have to mention this!) it wasn't due, I wasn't expecting it and I wasn't impressed!! Popping behind a tree for a wee is one thing having to sort out other bits isn't so much fun, a more secluded spot is needed! As it turned out it didn't really give me any extra problems on race day but was an extra stress I didn't need! 

Registration, kit check and race brief done and we were off, it took me two whole legs to settle into the race and get my head into navigation mode, made some silly errors (how I suddenly didn't know my left from right I don't know!) I slipped in the mud about five miles in and had a horrible moment where I thought I had seriously hurt my left hamstring and ankle, but a stretch and a gentle run forwards and nothing felt too bad. My hamstring did twinge and niggle throughout the day and slowed my running down but I could still move forwards so just kept going at the best speed I could. 

After very brief stops at checkpoints one and two I decided to have a minute longer at three to regroup make sure I'd eaten enough and made the decision to see if a couple of paracetamol would get me moving a bit quicker. 

After leaving checkpoint three I did some maths and knew what speed I needed to stick at if I was going to better last years time it was going to be close. Even though I can't say my left leg was properly injured the earlier slip had obviously pulled things and power walking was proving less painful and quicker than the shuffly run I could manage. So a power walk to the finish it was going to be, I was  always walking at four and a half miles an hour or quicker during the last two legs and even managed to overtake someone still running! I had enough food and drink to see me to the end so chose not to stop at checkpoint four. I shouted them my race number and said I'm not stopping, Vicky a friend who was at that CP said she needed a photo, so I paused very, very briefly and got on my way.

     Very brief pose at CP4! 

I haven't mentioned the mud much, but there was lots and lots and lots, who knew there were so many different types of mud! I was running in shorts and was caked in it when I got to the end, I'm not sure what was in the mud but when I washed it off (it took two baths!) I was left with a burning, red rash all over my lower legs! 

      Post race foot!! 

Anyway back to the last leg, I was determined to finish before needing my headtorch but as it was getting colder I got it out at the same time as putting on an extra layer, this I managed without stopping, Lindley's advice of no matter what just keep moving was in my head and I was not going to slow down or stop for anything! I did a little (early) victory dance as the chapel came in to view and I knew I was nearly finished. I had about 30 minutes to get to the finish in the same time as last year. So I tried running 100 steps then walking 100 it seemed to work and the counting kept my head occupied! I was so pleased to see Maxine and Brian as I crossed the line, along with Richard, Rob and Len who had come to see myself and Lorraine finish, well done Lorraine on second female finisher, awesome running. My final time was 10:06 seven minutes quicker than last year. It is a great feeling to have friends at the finish line so thank you all for coming out to support and for driving me home, possibly not an offer I will get again after repeating last years post race vomiting! 


I'm not hugely disappointed, I had a fantastic day but am frustrated that I don't perform as well as I know I could and should on race day. This is something I will conquer and hopefully some day out on the trails the final piece of the puzzle will fall into place and I will achieve my full potential. Until then I will keep running, keep training and most importantly keep enjoying it!! I still get excited when I get my new training plan each month, I love long Sunday morning runs, and I love going to races. I guess when it stops being fun that's the time for a rethink...

Thank you to Lindley, Maxine and all the volunteers at Challenge Running for all the support and an awesome event.

     Lorraine (2nd place female) myself and Lindley 

Happy running all xx 

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Trying to train the head...

As we approach the end of February and my first ultra of the year training is going well, 223 miles for the year so far, missed a few sessions at the beginning of the month due to a virus doing the rounds at school. This was frustrating but couldn't be helped and I have learned from experience that training through a bug doesn't achieve much so reluctantly followed Lindley's advice just to take a few days and recover properly.

Have also been frustrated that the speedy sessions in my plan such as tempo runs, parkruns etc haven't been as speedy as they should have been. I do think it is a mental thing and not because I can't run that fast, I will keep persevering and am determined to run some sub 8 minute miles! 

On a more positive note my long runs have been going really well have run with Lindley, Maxine and Naomi at various times over the past month and managed to run some decent times and not feel completely destroyed at the end. Think I have found a nutrition strategy that works, nakd bars and Freddos alternately about every two miles! I have ordered some Nakd bars in bulk to get through St Peters Way next Sunday.

Physically I feel 100% ready (I am keeping well away from my son who has a cold and am washing my hands obsessively!) I know what I want to achieve and just need to keep mentally strong on the day. I am refusing to do the usual things this week that stress me before a race, so no continual checking of the weather forecast for Sunday, kit will be packed and then left alone and I will arrive at the start line calm and focused. Well that is the plan!! I really do believe my mental state beforehand plays a big part on performance on the day, so trying a different approach to see if it helps. On the day I know I can achieve my goals if I just keep my head in the right place. I will be running my own race, for me and no one else.
I am a different runner to this time last year, stronger and more focused and although I know it's easy to say all this from the warmth of my sofa I need to keep believing it for the 45 miles from Chipping Ongar to Bradwell-on-Sea.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

The first few weeks...

So with Christmas, New Year, Birthday out of the way the focus is on training hard and getting ready for this years races.

St Peters Way is only six weeks away and training is going well. Have been out for some muddy trail runs and feeling so much stronger than this time last year. Last weekend I ran an out and back section of the Essex Way and coincidentally I had done the same run almost a year ago, I was 17 minutes quicker and running into a strong headwind for much of it. I remember struggling with the route last year as it wasn't long after Lindley had started coaching me and I had messaged him saying how rubbish it had felt! 

Tuesday was hill training day, call me strange but I really enjoy hill sessions, these were particularly muddy (mud seems to feature quite heavily in my training at the moment!) but they felt good and I managed to stay on my feet! 

Thursday this week I had a three mile tempo run to do at 8minute miles and just about managed that, tempo runs were 9/9.5 minute miles a year ago. It has been good looking back at my journal from last year and really can see the progress I have made.

Today I ran legs 1&2 of St Peters Way with Lindley and Naomi, it was a lovely morning of running, if a bit muddy!

        Route description checking on St Peters Way

The weather and company were good and the fifteen miles flew by. My Brooks Cascadia that I have been running in for nearly a year have finally died and trying to decide whether to get another pair or some inov8 roclites, thinking maybe another pair of Brooks as those and my Drymax socks have been a great combination which have left me blister free over the past twelve months.

Physically I am fitter than I have ever been, and a good 9lbs lighter than a year ago so I know I have the fitness to achieve my goals. I just need to keep believing I can do it and get strong enough mentally to overcome the low points in the tough races that got the better of me last year. I know this year how tough the races are and that completing them won't be easy but with an extra dose of stubbornness and 100% focus and Lindley's continued support (and kick up the bum when required!) I believe my goals are achievable. 

      A muddy start to 2015! 

Have a great week everyone and happy running xx  

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Flitch Way Marathon...

New Years Eve dawned cold and frosty, looked like it was going to be a great running day! Being local meant no stupidly early start, I wasn't racing it, was excited and unusually not in my normal pre race panic!
The Flitch Way Marathon started at The Discovery Centre, Great Notley and was an out and back with the turn around point being just past Takeley. I train on the Flitch Way regularly and was looking forward to a familiar run.

I enjoyed the look of disbelief on many faces as Lindley said the finish would be at the top of the hill at The Discovery Centre during the run brief, not sure if they thought he was joking or not!! I had known in advance and as our parkrun route takes in the hill and I do my hill training there I was not too worried!

The run started well although I probably went out a bit quick but I was happy and enjoying the day so just went with it. I looked forward to the checkpoints as I knew I had friends volunteering and it is always good to see a friendly face and receive some encouragement.

     Early in the race but was good to see Len and Dan from parkrun.

The going was pretty firm on the way out, a few icy patches, a bit of mud but all runnable and I reached half way and the turnaround point in 2:10 all was going well. I was struggling a little with my stomach and feeling a little queasy but otherwise all good.

Going back my pace dropped more than I would have liked, my stomach just wasn't right but I made the decision not to stop eating and drinking as I normally do if feeling sick and just kept with my practised eating schedule, this didn't make me feel any worse and kept my energy levels up. It made me smile that the only times I thought I was going to be sick was running through Dunmow and at Rayne Station both places where there were the most people around! Fortunately it didn't happen and I managed a steady plod back to Great Notley. I knew as long as I kept running albeit slowly I would make my target time which was between 4:45 and 5 hours. The route had thawed out a little on the way back and the one muddy section was very muddy! 

      Enjoying my run!

I made it to the top of the hill to claim my medal and t-shirt in 4:56 and feel satisfied with a good run. My previous hamstring injury caused me no problems and as this was the furthest I'd run since hurting it at Stor30 it was a great relief.

     My favourite medal of the year. 

A big thank you to Lindley and Maxine and all at Challenge Running for another brilliant event. The checkpoints as always were well stocked with all sorts of goodies. For me the fig rolls at CP2 were my favourite! The marshals did a fantastic job in the cold making sure we were well looked after. Would highly recommend this marathon it was the perfect way to end my running year.

Happy new year and happy running xx