Sunday, 2 February 2014

Enjoyment and excitement...

I often get asked why I run, especially why I want to run long distances. I'm used to being called crazy, nutter, fruit loop (hence the name of my blog!) It's difficult to explain why or is it?
Quite simply I enjoy running... And I want to see how far I can go, maybe find out how far is too far.

When I came up with this years challenge I knew it was going to be tough, knew I would have to train hard. Then when I started looking into training for 100+ miles it all got a little scary!! 

So January is done, I ran 155 miles and yes it's still early days but having a coach is making this whole journey much less scary. February's training plan is stuck to the fridge, I know exactly what I have to do and when. St. Peter's Way is less than a month away now and I'm already excited. The training plans, advice and support from Lindley is already making a difference as I am more confident about what I can achieve. I've always had a stubborn streak and don't give up easily and with some hard training and focus (and I'm going to be really positive now!) I can see myself crossing the finish line of all four ultras! 

Something else I've discovered recently after 12 years of running is that I like running with other people!! Still enjoy my solitary runs, like the time to think, reflect and let my mind wander, but every so often especially on a long or tough session having some company is good!! 

So that's it really for this week, quite simply I'm enjoying my running immensely, and that for me is what is really important, so no matter what your plans are for the week, whatever you are doing make sure you are excited by it and enjoy it.

Sunday morning run (it stopped raining!!!) 

Happy running all xxx 

1 comment:

  1. Great post Nicki! I'm finding I'm surprised by enjoying company on long runs too :-) x
