Wednesday, 8 January 2014

'Challenge 2014'

Well 2014 has arrived, this years challenges been set...

'Challenge 2014' as I have imaginatively called it is going to be great, tough but seemed a perfectly reasonable challenge to set myself... And then you tell people your plans to which the response is usually 'why?'  or 'are you mad?' This is expected from non runners, but is slightly unsettling from other runners!

So what is 'Challenge 2014' well quite simply, taking part and finishing all four of challenge Running's ultra marathons.

March - St Peters Way 45miles
July - Saffron Trail 70 miles (overnight!)
August - The Chiltern Way 125 miles
October - Stort 30 30 miles

So there it is, there will be other events along the way but this is the big 4, I will be raising money for Moorfields eye charity as my son is a regular patient at Moorfields eye hospital.

For the first time in my 12 years of running I now have a coach, Lindley Chambers, who is going to help me achieve this crazy challenge, and he has to take some of the blame as they are his races!! 

I'm excited about this years running and know as always I will have the support of my family, (Dad I know you'll be with me and as ever you are my inspiration for taking on these challenges, miss you) my friends, the Nutters and The Commando Runners and all my non running friends.

I am going to try and blog regularly about the training, the events, the highs and lows!!

So happy new year to you all and make it a good one.


  1. Well done fruitloop! I wish you all the success for what will be a great year of running for you. Good luck, and enjoy it! xx

  2. Awesome or when is it or is it full yet are the usual responses from others of an equal nature. Me? I'm bonkers in training. Awesome, I'm booked into Stort 30. Keep on enjoying the adventure and good luck.
