So lockdown continues, relaxed slightly this week and it was probably only the ultra runners that were truly excited about unlimited exercise!
For me not much has changed, still working when required, still running otherwise staying mostly at home. In my last blog I was still clutching on to the hope that Essex 100 would go ahead in July but I wasn't hugely surprised to receive the inevitable email telling me it was cancelled. I fully understand and support the reasons why, it's a tough time for race directors right now. My place is deferred until next year so training continues!
Out on my run this morning I was listening to the latest Behind the Medal podcast which is what inspired this blog. I was pretty miserable for a few days after Essex 100 was cancelled, my whole running year had been building towards it, training was going well and this was finally going to be the year I finished 100 miles. Halstead Marathon (would have been my 10th year running it) and London 2 Brighton had also been cancelled so now there was nothing on the race calendar. It wasn't until this morning that I put my miserable days down to losing these events. On the podcast they were talking about missing events, races, festivals etc and how difficult it was when they were the experiences that marked different points during the year and not having them left gaps that you didn't know how to fill (listen to the podcast, they put it better than that!). They were right, I guess to non runners it won't make much sense and may seem overly dramatic when there is so much uncertainty in the world right now. But not having those events is a loss and I am sad that I won't be having a reunion with people I met the first time I ran London 2 Brighton next weekend. I am truly gutted that 2020 won't be the year I finally get that 100 mile buckle.
Last weekend would have been Halstead Marathon so I went out and ran marathon distance anyway, I went on a tour of Braintree District trying to get a photo of every village/town sign I went through. It was a lovely morning out running but not the same as the Halstead Marathon experience would have been.
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Braintree District Marathon
Running for me isn't just about events (though they were important this year!) so have still been motivated to get out and run. Yesterday I reached 1000 miles for the year and I am currently on day 346 of my current run streak. Having little goals to work towards keeps it interesting. I have discovered new places to run during lockdown, explored new footpaths, slowed down and taken lots of photos so it isn't all gloom and doom. Up till now I haven't ever been interested in virtual events but I have entered two, I am taking part in Centurion's One Community event, opting to run 100 miles in seven days, this takes place between 25th and 31st May so not long to go. I am also taking part in Hope 24 virtual challenge in July running 24 days during the month. I have also signed up for a solo challenge to run the Chiltern Way Ultra (a race that I DNFed twice!) It doesn't exist as a race anymore but Challenge Running are offering it, as a solo event where you can run it in your own time, provide your evidence then get the medal! When restrictions allow I am planning to do it over 3 days, I am hoping late summer but will have to see, a little 133 mile running holiday will be something to look forward to!
So that's it really, I am sad about cancelled events but also know how privileged I am to be able to get out and run and there are so many beautiful places on my doorstep for me to explore. Events will be back at some point in the future and until then I will keep running so I am ready to smash them!
Happy running, keep safe and lots of love to you all xx
And thanks to Behind the Medal for helping me to see it's ok to be sad about missing races! X