Sadly Dad lost his battle before the event but the training, support from this group and others got me through and I had an amazing time and completed London 2 Brighton, raised nearly £1000 and most importantly met some of the most amazing people.
This year I wanted to do something to mark the year anniversary of losing my Dad and discovered Colchester Half Marathon was on that day so I signed up. (Dad loved the outdoors, took part in many treks, cycle rides all over the world, raised loads of money for charity and inspired and encouraged me with my running) it seemed fitting to run a local marathon in memory of him. I took part with some friends from Essex Boot Camp and managed a new PB.
So why have these two events resulted in me feeling so proud today... Now this may sound odd but Facebook has a lot to do with it! I know there are those who don't like FB, say it causes problems, bullying etc, but my experience is so different, from these two events I have become a member of two groups one that sprung up from London 2 Brighton an the other from Colchester Half, the people I have met through these groups are the reason I am feeling so proud today.
This weekend many of them took part in events, some went back to give London 2 Brighton another go, some took on their first marathon in Edinburgh, and many others in 5k and 10k events. Those taking part have done amazingly well, all of them finishing their chosen events, that of course has made me super proud, but more than that was the support, encouragement, concern these amazing people showed their fellow competitors, from those who marshalled to those who waited at finish lines and even one who went back after 100k to ensure a friend made it to the end. That is what has made me proud today. A year a go I didn't know any of these people now I am so lucky to have them as my friends and I know without a doubt whenever I compete they are there to encourage and support. If not there in person, they offer messages of support.
So to all of you, you know who you are, thank you for being amazing, thank you for always being there, not just for the running but for all other advice and support you have offered when it was needed, thank you for the laughs, the jokes and the craziness. But most of all thank you for being the most selfless, kind, caring and all round good people that you are.
None of us knows what the future holds but I hope wherever life takes me all of you will be there to share it in some way.
Love you all xxx